





1. Thank you but I'm just looking. 謝謝,可是我只是看看。
2. Do you have this shirt in another color? 這個襯衫有別的顏色嗎?
3. May I try this on? 我可以試穿這個嗎?
4. Is this tax free? 這免稅嗎?
5. Can I pay by credit card? / Do you take credit cards? 我可不可以用信用卡付帳?
6. It’s too expensive. How about a discount? 太貴了,打個折吧?
7. Is this your final price? 不能再便宜了嗎?
8. I want this dress, but in a large size. 我要大一點的洋裝
9. I would like to take this one. 我要買這個。
10. Please wrap this gift for me. 請幫我把這個禮物包起來。
11. I'm looking for a gift for my friend. 我要買這個禮物送給我朋友。
12. What is your opening time?  請問你們的營業時間?
13. Where is the cash desk? 收銀檯在那裏?
14. Where is the shopping area in this town/ city? 購物區在城鎮的什麼地方
15. Where is the nearest supermarket from here? 最近的超市在哪?
16. Can you wrap these separately? 你能分別包裝嗎
17. May I have the form for tax refund? 能給我張退稅表嗎?
18. It’s a little pricey. 有點貴
19. It’s 10% off. 打九折
20. I’m just browsing. 我只是隨便看看
21. Can I try this on? 可以試穿嗎?
22. Excuse me, where is the fitting room? 不好意思,試衣間在哪裡呢?
23. Do you have this in the next size up/ down? 這件衣服有大一號的嗎?
24. Do you accept credit cards? 你們接受信用卡嗎?
25. What colors does this shirt come in? 這件衣服有哪些顏色?
26. What a steal! What a bargain. 太划算了
27. Can I have a refund? 可以退費嗎?
28. Do you have this in stock? 有新的嗎?
29. I would like to speak to your manager. 我要找你們經理
30. Is this on sale? 有打折嗎?
31. I’ll take it. 我買了
32. Can I return it and get a refund? 可以退貨退錢嗎?