



Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on students. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students' performance. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

In the long history of human education, great changes have taken place in every field of study. However testing a person by examinations is still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method to measure one's knowledge and ability. From elementary schools to universities, students have to take many examinations. They even regard examinations as an indispensable part of their life.
Some people hold that examinations have negative impacts on students. First of all, examinations are unable to evaluate one's true ability. They can only test memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure. Secondly, examinations encourage bad study habits. Students tend to lay emphasis on what will be tested. They are encouraged to memorize rather than to think. Finally, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Teachers have to train students in exam techniques instead of teaching their subjects.
Many other people, however, believe examinations have some advantages. In the first place, they serve as a driving force to stimulate students to work hard. Laziness is part of human nature. Without examinations, students tend to ignore their studies. Moreover, the results of examinations are just like mirrors for both students and teachers. Students can assess themselves and teachers can adjust their teaching method according to the information they obtain from examination. Finally, till now no better methods have been discovered to replace examinations. Other forms of assessment are too time-consuming and therefore are infeasible.
In my opinion, examinations have positive effects on teaching. They make students hardworking. They also provide a clear objective standard by which the students can assess themselves and teachers can know what they should do next. Furthermore, at present no better methods are available. Therefore, I am sure examinations will continue to play an essential role in education.


本篇作文為常見雅思作文類型。建議考生英文作文下筆前,都應先確認清楚題目之語意及要求,以免文不對題或因未針對題目之要求進行討論而影響作文分數。本篇題目要求考生針對雙方之觀點進行討論,並表達自己對此議題之見解(Discuss both sides and give your opinion)。
本篇第一段,針對衡量學習效果之重要工具─考試,進行背景介紹。中間兩段,分別針對考試之正反兩面觀點進行討論─第二段,針對考試對學生之不良影響,提出三個理由(First of all…Secondly…Finally…),每個理由皆由二~三句所組成; 第三段,針對考試對學生之正面影響,提出三個理由(In the first place…Moreover…Finally…),每個理由皆用兩句話來說明其內容。最後一段,作者先說出自己對考試之觀點─認同考試對教學之正面影響,並將第三段之正面影響三個理由,各用一句話改寫(paraphrase)成為支持自己認同考試之原因。
整篇文章結構清楚,理由表達充分,為高分作文範本。若要讓分數更上一層樓,在第一段,除了針對考試之背景介紹外,可直接闡明自己對考試之見解,作為整篇作文之thesis statement。