
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析3


精選寫作用字 - 字源解析3



1. claim, clam = cry out, shout, 表示“呼喊,叫喊”
claim  v 宣稱,要求
The company claims that their product "makes you thin without dieting".
clamor  n v 喧嘩,吵鬧(clam+or)
The government turns a deaf ear to the clamor against heavy taxes.
The protesters clamored against the government's plans.
The workers clamored for higher wages.
clamorous  a 吵鬧的
a clamorous uproar / the busy clamorous market
acclaim  n v 喝采,贊揚(ac去+claim)
His work was acclaimed by art critics.
The young singer is enjoying massive critical acclaim
acclamation  n 喝采,贊揚
The news was greeted with considerable popular acclamation.
declaim  v 慷慨激昂地演講 (de加強語氣) /  declamation  n 
He declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society    
exclaim  v 叫喊,感嘆 (ex向外) /  exclamation  n
She exclaimed in horror when she saw the rotten corpse.
exclamation mark => !
proclaim  v 公佈,聲明(pro在前+claim→在前面喊→公佈)/  proclamation  n The President proclaimed that World War II was over.
reclaim  v 收回,教化,開墾 (re往回) /  reclamation  n
I want to reclaim the championship that I lost in 1999.
Large areas of land will be reclaimed for a new airport.

2. voc, vok = call, voice, 表示“叫喊,聲音”
vocal  a 聲音的
The tongue is a vocal organ.
vocal training / vocal music.
vocation  n 職業,使命(voc+ation→受到召喚→使命)
He struggled for years to find his true vocation.
She felt a sense of vocation to help the poor.
vocabulary  n 詞彙(vocabul+ary→詞彙)
Most technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary.
advocate  n 擁護者 v 擁護,倡導(ad增強+voc+ate→增強聲音→擁護)
Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.
convoke  v 召集(con 一起+vok+e→喊到一起) /  convocation  n
The president of the board of directors convoked a conference to discuss the future of the company
revoke  v 取消,撤回(re 回+vok+e→喊回來→取消) /  revocation  n
His driver's license has been revoked.
irrevocable  a 不能改變的(ir 不+revocable→不可廢除的)
His life was set on an irrevocable course.
an irrevocable decision / change / loss 
evoke  v 喚出,喚起(e出+vok+e)
The photographs evoked pleasant memories of our holidays in France.
His speech evoked a hostile response.
equivocal  a 模稜兩可的(equi平等+voc+al→同樣的聲音→模稜兩可的)
On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal.
equivocate  v 含糊其詞(equi+voc+ate)
The stranger equivocated about his real purpose of visiting.
invoke  v 祈求,實施(引用)法令(in進+vok+e 喊進去→請求)/  invocation  n
The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
provoke  v 激起,激怒(pro前面+vok+e→到別人面前喊→激怒)
This incident has provoked fierce debate in the US.
provocative  a 激怒人的,激發人的(pro+voc+ative)
provocative comment / remark / statement

3. spir = breathe, 表示“呼吸”
spirit  n 精神,情緒(呼吸→有精神)
His actions may not be illegal, but they have violated the spirit of the law.
spirited  a 精神飽滿的
She was by nature a spirited little girl.
spiritual  a 精神的,宗教的
The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.
aspire  v 渴望,追求(a加強+spire→看到渴求之物呼吸加速)/  aspiration  n
Scholars aspire after truth.
aspiring  a 有抱負的(aspire+ing)
Aspiring musicians must practice many hours a day.
conspire  v 共謀(con一起+spire→一起呼吸→共謀) /  conspiracy  n
Evidence revealed that they had been conspiring against the government.
Pollution and neglect have conspired to ruin the city.
expire  v 斷氣,期滿(ex出+spire→只出氣不進氣→斷氣) /  expiration  n
My passport expires next week.
expiration date
inspire  v 吸氣,鼓勵(in進+spire→吸氣進去)
This success will inspire the whole team to greater efforts.
inspiration  n 吸氣,靈感
This writer draws inspiration from ordinary scenes.
perspire  v 出汗(per 全部+spire→全身呼吸→出汗)
Farmers perspire heavily under the scorching sun.
perspiration  n 出汗
"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."    -- Thomas Edison
respire  v 呼吸,恢復精神(re再+spire→再呼吸→恢復精神) /  respiration  n
Plants respire in the same way as animals, taking up oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide.
transpire  v 洩露,(植物)蒸發水分(trans交流+spire→互相呼吸→洩露)
It transpires that the gang has a contact inside the bank.
dispirit  v 使沮喪(dis去掉+spirit精神)
The army was dispirited by defeat.

4. sci = know, 表示“知道”
拉丁文scire, scientia
science  n 科學,學問(sci+ence) /  scientific  a
Science is the pursuit of the truth, not consensus.
conscience  n 良心,道德心(con全部+sci+ence→全部知道→良心)
I have battled with my conscience over whether I should confess everything.
conscientious  a 有責任心的(con全部+sci+entious多…的→知道且關心多→有責任心的)
He is very conscientious in the performance of his duties.
conscious  a 有意識的(con+sci+ous→知道的→有意識的)
She was not conscious of my presence in the room.
subconscious  a 潛意識的(sub下面+conscious→在意識之下→潛意識的)
He is haunted by a subconscious fear of failure.
omniscient  a 無所不知的(omni所有+sci+ent)
an omniscient deity
a third-person omniscient narrator