




1. Participants of the weekly meeting are required to acknowledge the minutes of the meeting to ensure that they are ----- aware of the decisions made at the meeting.
(A) full
(B) fuller
(C) fullest
(D) fully

2. ----- a schedule conflict, the new software workshop will be postponed to next Friday.
(A) Due to
(B) Because
(C) However
(D) Despite

3. The new job opening advertised on the company website has drawn many applicants because of its -----.
(A) flexible
(B) flexibly
(C) flexibility
(D) flexed

4. The newly designed model ----- to be released next month has received many positive comments from the professionals in the industry.
(A) anticipate
(B) anticipated
(C) anticipating
(D) anticipation

5. No one ----- an identification badge is allowed to enter the archive.
(A) each other
(B) without
(C) which
(D) that

D/ A/ C/ B/ B

1. Participants of the weekly meeting are required to acknowledge (承認) the minutes of the meeting (會議記錄) to ensure that they are ----- aware of the decisions made at the meeting.
(A) full   形容詞原級
(B) fuller 形容詞比較級
(C) fullest  形容詞最高級
(D) fully 副詞


2. ----- a schedule conflict(衝突), the new software workshop will be postponed (延後)to next Friday.
(A) Due to  介.由於
(B) Because 連. 因為
(C) However  adv.然而
(D) Despite  介.儘管

本題考句構,名詞(a schedule conflict)前可加介系詞形成介系詞片語,本題前面為因,後句為果,應使用(A)。

3. The new job opening advertised on the company website has drawn many applicants because of its -----.
(A) flexible 有彈性的
(B) flexibly 有彈性地
(C) flexibility 彈性
(D) flexed    彎曲的


4. The newly designed model ----- to be released (上市) next month has received many positive comments from the professionals in the industry.
(A) anticipate 動詞原形
(B) anticipated 過去分詞
(C) anticipating 現在分詞
(D) anticipation 名詞

本題考詞類變化。本題主詞為model(機型),動詞為has received (收到),空格應使用形容詞修飾前面的主詞,主詞為事物,應被大眾所期待,空格應使用過去分詞表被動。

5. No one ----- an identification badge (名牌) is allowed to enter the archive(資料庫).
(A) each other 互相
(B) without 沒有
(C) which 關係代名詞
(D) that 關係代名詞

本題考句構。本題主詞為No one,動詞為is allowed,空格為形容詞的位置,選出介系詞(without)搭配後面的名詞(an identification badge)成為介系詞片語。