





1. I am looking for a pair of formal shoes.  我再找正式點的鞋子。
2. I am looking for a pair of casual shoes.  我再找休閒點的鞋子。
3. What’s your size? 你穿幾號?
4. 7 should be okay. 7號就可以了。
5. How do I look in this pair of shoes?  我穿這雙鞋看起來如何?
6. Do these shoes go well with my dress?  這鞋子跟我的衣服搭嗎?
7. They are not my size.  這不是我的尺寸。
8. Can I have the next size up/down?  我可以試試大一號/小一號嗎?
9. This pair of shoes looks really good on you.  你穿這雙鞋子非常好看。
10. These shoes don’t fit me well.  這鞋子不太適合我。
11. I’ll take these shoes.  我要買這雙鞋。
12. Excuse me, I’m looking for boots. What would you recommend?  不好意思,我在找靴子。你推薦什麼?
13. Hello, I’d like to try on these sandals.  哈囉,我想要試穿這些涼鞋。
14. Hi, I’m looking for some comfortable high heels.  What do you suggest? 嗨,我在找舒服的高跟鞋。你有建議的嗎?
15. Are there any other colors?  有沒有其他顏色的?
16. Do they come in white?  它們有白色的嗎?
17. Do you have any sneakers for this season?  你們有這季的球鞋嗎?)
18. Can you help me find size seven and a half for these sandals?  你可以幫我找這雙涼鞋的七號半嗎?
19. Do they come in size eight?  它們有八號的嗎?
20. I think they don’t suit me.  我覺得這鞋子不適合我
high-heels  高跟鞋
sandals  涼鞋
slippers  拖鞋 (室內的) slip 
flats  平底鞋  flat tire 
sneakers  球鞋布鞋
boots  靴子
flip-flops  人字拖夾腳鞋
wedges  楔型鞋款
athletic shoes  運動鞋  athlete 
stilettos  細跟鞋
loafers  樂福鞋
oxfords  牛津鞋