


❃ 托福篇章-演替 


1. Paragraph 1 supports which of the following statements about disturbances  

  (A) They occur in a series of stages.  

  (B) They can result from natural causes or human activities.   

(C) They may contribute to increased volcanic eruptions.  

(D) They have no impact on the speed with which succession occurs.  



     Succession  is a continuous change in the species composition, structure, and function of a forest through time following disturbance. Each stage of succession is referred to as a successional sere.  The final stage of succession, which is generally self-replacing, is referred to as the climax sere.  There are two major types of succession: primary and secondary. Primary succession is the establishment of vegetation on bare rocks or radically disturbed soil.  Secondary succession is the reestablishment of vegetation following a disturbance that killed or removed the vegetation but did not greatly affect the soil. Volcanic eruptions, retreating glaciers, and bare sand dunes are examples of sites subject to primary succession, while clear-cutting of forests, wild fires, and hurricanes are examples of sites subject to secondary succession. Hundreds to thousands of years are required for primary succession to reach the climax sere, compared to decades to hundreds of years for it to occur in secondary succession. A longer time is needed to reach the climax sere for primary than secondary succession because soil development must first take place in primary succession.  The rate of succession is dependent upon the extent of the disturbance and the availability of appropriate seeds for recolonization.


Answer:  Question : 題目問 which of the following statements about disturbances  

原文定位: disturbances  


There are two major types of succession: primary and secondary. Primary succession is the establishment of vegetation on bare rocks or radically disturbed soil.  Secondary succession is the reestablishment of vegetation following a disturbance that killed or removed the vegetation but did not greatly affect the soil.


 Succession  is a continuous change in the species composition, structure, and function of a forest through time following disturbance. 


物種組成, 結構, 與功能在歷經下列disturbance 造就 succession (演替) . 

Succession 分為二類: primary / secondary – 內容提到自然因素(植被之建構) 與人為因素 (disturbance that killed or removed the vegetation 植被之殺害/ 破壞與移除 ) .   

因此對答案為 B.  

(B) They can result from natural causes or human activities.  


2. Paragraph 1 suggests that one benefit for British natives in buying such items as red-gloss pottery made in Gaul was 

(A) improved quality of utilitarian items  

(B) Understanding the symbolism of Classical mythology 

(C) higher social standing   

(D) Learning to mass-produce pottery for a profit  



After the Roman Empire’s conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., the presence of administrators, merchants, and troops on British soil, along with the natural flow of ideas and goods from the rest of the empire, had an enormous influence on life in the British Isles.  Cultural influences were of three types: the bringing of objects, the transfer of craft workers, and the introduction of massive civil architecture. Many objects were not art in even the broadest sense and comprised utilitarian items    of clothing, utensils, and equipment.  We should not underestimate the social status associated with such mundane possessions which had not previously been available.  The flooding of Britain with red-gloss pottery form Gaul (modern-day France), decorated with scenes from Classical mythology, probably brought many into contact with the styles and artistic concepts of the Greco-Roman world for the first time, whether or not the symbolism was understood. Mass-produced goods were accompanied by fewer more aesthetically impressive objects such as statuettes.  Such pieces perhaps first came with officials for their own religious worship; others were then acquired by native leaders as diplomatic gifts or by purchase.  Once seen by the natives, such objects created a fashion which rapidly spread through the province.  

Answer:  Question : 題目問 one benefit for British natives in buying such items as red-gloss pottery made in Gaul 

原文定位: red-gloss pottery 


We should not underestimate the social status associated with such mundane possessions which had not previously been available.  The flooding of Britain with red-gloss pottery form Gaul (modern-day France), decorated with scenes from Classical mythology, probably brought many into contact with the styles and artistic concepts of the Greco-Roman world for the first time, whether or not the symbolism was understood.



提到 pottery 為舉例說明. 先論述後舉例, 請往前讀: 

We should not underestimate the social status associated with such mundane possessions which had not previously been available.  


因此從訊息判讀, 原文提及此種 pottery ---- red-gloss pottery made in Gaul 

我們不應該對於擁有這種一般/世俗之所有物 mundane possessions 而低估其社會地位 underestimate the social status.  


答案為 (C) higher social standing

social standing = social status